Improving Your Health and Wellbeing

  • What To Expect When You Visit A Doctor: Tips and Insights For a Great Experience

    12 January 2024

    Visiting a doctor can be nerve-wracking, but it's a crucial part of maintaining good health. Whether you're going in for a routine check-up or a specific health concern, it's important to come prepared and know what to expect. Here are some tips and insights on what to expect when you visit a doctor so you can feel confident and empowered during your next appointment. The Check-In Process The check-in process may vary depending on the clinic or hospital you're visiting, but generally, you'll need to provide some basic information to get started.

  • How Are Hiatal Hernias Treated?

    8 August 2023

    The opening in your diaphragm is called your hiatus, and when the hiatus isn't functioning properly, you can develop a hiatal hernia. This is characterised by the stomach protruding up through the hiatus, which allows stomach acid to flow into the oesophagus. A hiatal hernia tends to cause persistent heartburn and scar tissue can form along the oesophagus, which can make swallowing painful. Some people with this condition will become deficient in certain nutrients and unintentionally lose weight if treatment isn't sought promptly.

  • Four Post Pregnancy Related Women's Health Issues That Your Health Care Clinic Can Help You With

    11 August 2022

    The postpartum period is a time when women may experience new symptoms and challenges. Here are four post-pregnancy-related women's health issues that your local health care clinic can help you with. 1. Your Women's Health Clinic Can Help With Breast Pain And Engorgement After giving birth, your breasts may feel tender or swollen. This is due to the drastic fluctuation in hormones during pregnancy and delivery. You also may experience breast engorgement, where breast tissue becomes hard and congested with milk.

  • Perimenopause Explained

    24 January 2022

    Perimenopause is defined as the transition stage as you move toward menopause, which brings your reproductive years to a close. Perimenopause often begins in your forties, but it can begin earlier or later in a small proportion of women. Your oestrogen levels will fluctuate unpredictably during perimenopause and this is at the root of many of the symptoms women experience during this time. Perimenopause lasts until you have had no menstrual period for twelve months in a row, at which point you are considered to have entered menopause.

  • What Is the Difference Between Behavioural and Objective Hearing Testing in Children?

    29 July 2021

    If your child seems to have hearing problems, then your GP might refer them to an audiologist for tests. Your child could have various tests depending on their age and potential problem. Audiologists often run behavioural or objective tests on babies and younger children. How are these two testing methods different? Which tests is your child likely to have? What Are Behavioural Hearing Tests? Behavioural tests use reaction to sound to evaluate hearing health.

  • 3 Ways Physiotherapy Can Benefit Older People

    27 January 2021

    As you age, you are more likely to develop certain health conditions, such as arthritis or the aftermath of a stroke, which can impact your mobility and muscle strength. Aches and pains become more common, and this can leave you feeling a bit defeated when it comes to carrying out daily tasks and getting some light exercise. The loss of independence and autonomy is a common concern of those who are categorised as elderly, and a visit to the GP won't always help when your symptoms are due to the normal aging process.

  • 3 Treatment Options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    22 January 2021

    Most people suffer from stomach related issues for years without getting a diagnosis. While short bouts of abdominal pain and constipation are not unusual, sustained and recurring symptoms could signal Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be incredibly uncomfortable and distressing and might affect your quality of life if not addressed soon. Luckily, IBS does not lead to serious intestinal conditions and can be managed with the right approach.

  • Two Tips for Your First Appointment With a Counsellor

    21 January 2021

    Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you have your first appointment with a counsellor. Tell them right away if there is anything in the clinic's counselling room that bothers you Before you start discussing your mental health in detail with the counsellor, you should tell them if there are any issues with the clinic's counselling room that you are likely to find distracting or distressing. For example, if your panic attack symptoms include profuse sweating and feeling overheated, then you might get panicky when you're in warm environments because you associate that uncomfortably hot feeling with this awful mental health issue.

  • What Is Genetic Screening?

    20 January 2021

    Genetic screening is a series of tests conducted to check whether you have a gene that causes a particular hereditary disease. If these genes are found, genetic testing is performed to check whether you are suffering from the disease the gene causes. If not, you are educated on symptoms to look out for and how to take care of yourself to avoid triggering the disease. Who Should Go for Genetic Screening?

  • Your Guide to Hearing Aids

    10 August 2020

    Your health clinic may recommend hearing aids following a test even if you can still hear. Generally speaking, hearing tests involve the playback of electronic sounds — known as whistles — at different volumes with different frequencies. This way, an audiologist will be able to make an assessment of which whistles you can hear and which you can't. If some frequencies in your aural response are below par, then hearing aids can be programmed to adjust sounds for your particular level of hearing loss.