Improving Your Health and Wellbeing

3 Treatment Options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

by Ernest Smith

Most people suffer from stomach related issues for years without getting a diagnosis. While short bouts of abdominal pain and constipation are not unusual, sustained and recurring symptoms could signal Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be incredibly uncomfortable and distressing and might affect your quality of life if not addressed soon. Luckily, IBS does not lead to serious intestinal conditions and can be managed with the right approach. This article highlights treatment options available for IBS.  

Probiotic Supplements

The last thing you want in your gut is bad bacteria that cause bloating and gassing. Therefore, to balance the bacteria in your stomach, a physician will prescribe probiotic supplements. The medications contain live bacteria friendly to your digestive system. Probiotics make your gut healthy by replacing lost good bacteria and keeping harmful bacteria at bay. Apart from probiotic supplements, a physician will also advise you to eat foods reach in live bacteria, such as yoghurt, pickles, some types of cheese, and sourdough bread. With plenty of good bacteria in your gut, you do not have to worry about an irritable stomach.

Bulking Agents

Bulking agents are another form of IBS treatment and have proven to be effective. Since two of the most common IBS symptoms are irregular bowel movement and chronic constipation, adding bulk to your digestive contents can help alleviate them. Bulking agents, such as unprocessed wheat bran, help because they are poorly broken down during the digestive process. Consequently, it adds volume to the food in your stomach, promoting bowel movement. That said, you need to be liberal with your fluid intake when using bulking agents to treat IBS because water keeps your colon lubricated and minimises obstruction. You should avoid bulking agents if you experience fecal impaction.

Fibre Supplements

Most people suffering from IBS believe that foods rich in fibre or supplement equivalents will worsen their condition. As such, they avoid dietary fibre as much as possible, not knowing that they are harming their gut. You need fibre in your diet for intestines are to function optimally, and foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are excellent in this regard. If your physician deems that you are not getting enough dietary fibre, they can prescribe supplements, such as psyllium, since they are both safe and effective in improving IBS symptoms. Most importantly, you should slowly increase your fibre intake, and the best place to start is with fruits and vegetables.      

For more insight, contact services that provide IBS treatment. 
